So the day of surgery arrived in all its glory... a sunny winters day, pavements covered in a light dusting of frost...
I had planned a grand breakfast, toasted muffins, streaky bacon topped with eggs benedict.
Unfortunately with everything else going on, it didn't quite work out that way.
Never take life too seriously!! Nobody gets out of it alive anyway... My blog will be an insight into me... thoughts, dreams, rants and opinions... I hope you enjoy! Always remember... to wish you were someone else, is to waste the person you are x

Thursday, 9 December 2010
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
The Broken Of Britain Response To DLA Reform Consultation
The coalition government have continued slowly turning the screws on disabled people, a task started by the previous government. Harsh cuts to existing benefits and services announced through an eager media have created a climate of fear for Britain’s disabled people. Despite that, when finally announced, the changes to Disability Living Allowance were sweeping in a way some had feared but not expected. D L A will cease to exist in 2013-14, replaced by the Personal Independence Payment (PIP). PIP is supposed to be simpler than DLA, although much of the perceived complexity is due to a wider lack of understanding of the nature of disability. In this context, what simpler really means is cheaper – especially as the plans are to cut 20% of the DLA caseload. This cut will be needed to pay for incredibly costly reassessments to people with conditions with no hope of recovery such as quadriplegia or degenerative genetic diseases. There is a clear indicator of intent to limit entitlement in the words ‘focusing on those with greatest support needs’
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Helly vs Arthur Part 2
Hellooooo!! *waves*
September 2009 was probably the month from hell for me.. I was climbing the walls with pain and had the most intense itching...
Discovering that my JIA (juvenile idiopathic arthritis) had come out of remission was a pretty big shock!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
I Have A Date!!
Sorry to disappoint but I haven't got a date with a hottie ;) Well unless you count my surgeon although I don't think he is (Ssshhh)
Now if this guy was my surgeon I'd be jumping hoops!!
Now if this guy was my surgeon I'd be jumping hoops!!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Our individual voices are too quiet.....
The changes announced by George Osborne in Wednesdays Comprehensive Spending Review have so far sent a shock wave of terror through the approximately 10 million people who have disabilities living in Great Britain.
Want To Play With Fire ?......
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOW'
Thursday, 14 October 2010
World Arthritis Day Letters
Many people have written letters to the Prime Minister for World Arthritis Day. Some explaining the impact the condition can have on them, what can be done to make life easier and others including a diary of what each day can bring.
Below is a letter written by Beth.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
NRAS mark World Arthritis Day at 10 Downing Street
World Arthritis Day was Tuesday, 12 October and NRAS together with its members, health professionals and MPs have been working together to raise awareness of RA and of what needs to be done to improve outcomes for patients.
The theme of World Arthritis Day 2010 was ‘let’s work together’ so it is very appropriate that different people have been lending support to NRAS in its campaign for improvements in services for people with rheumatoid arthritis. With the 'let's work together' emphasis, NRAS were accompanied to Downing Street by members Jean Burke, Sarah Wallace and myself.
Open Letter to the UK Government - World Arthritis Day 2010
There has been excellent cross party support for our work as demonstrated by John Baron MP (Conservative), Adrian Sanders MP (Lib Dem) and Valerie Vaz MP (Labour) signing an open letter to the UK Government sent to a national newspaper.
The letter is below;
The letter is below;
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
I Could Cry!
In fact as I type this, I am..... I don't usually blog when I'm mad or upset... I tend to go make a cuppa tea and then write when I have a clearer head...
Today though, I need a distraction.
Friday, 1 October 2010
eBay supports NRAS for World Arthritis Day
The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) will be on the eBay checkout for a week beginning 11th October to coincide with World Arthritis Day (WAD).
Thursday, 16 September 2010
World Arthritis Day 12th October 2010
World Arthritis Day is the highlight of a year round campaign run by EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) for people with rheumatic diseases.
The aims of World Arthritis Day are:
NHS Targets... The Loophole
You may recall the blog entry from when I saw the podiatry surgeon, we discussed fusion surgery and I was placed on the waiting list...
With the waiting time-scale being about 3 months and me seeing the surgeon in March, I expected surgery to be around June. This meant the letter would have arrived around the end of May giving a date for pre-op assessment and surgery.
World Mental Health Day
Since moving to Leicestershire, I have got involved with various charities. One of the key aims was to learn more about the condition I have, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and to build a network of other people in a similar situation.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
London 2012 - Beauty in Progress
I have fallen in love with social networking and the opportunities it brings... Not only have I found some wonderful friends, I have been given some wonderful opportunities...
London - Not Exactly Disabled Friendly
A few weeks back I won a competition to visit the new London Olympic Site during its 2 year countdown celebrations... This turned out to be a wonderful experience, something I'll cover in my next blog posting. However, I wanted to share the experience of getting to London and then making our way to the site because it was probably the most tiring and frustrating thing I've done....
Monday, 12 July 2010
Helly vs Arthur
What a difference 10 months makes!
Rewind back to last September... I'd not been particularly well and was looking forward to a tranquil week away in Italy. Spending my days relaxing by Lake Iseo, sipping frappe's in a little cafe, reading the books I'd not quite got round to, and just absorbing myself in the Italian culture...
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Parking on Pavements.... Nothing Has Changed
Parking on pavements is one of my biggest bugbears, as it is for many other people. The worst offenders are those who park across the pavement in such a way that there isn't even enough room to walk around, let alone get a wheelchair or pushchair past.
An incident happened with my Mum just over 30yrs ago which I'd hoped would have gone some way in changing things.... Sadly, its not....
Media Tart
Why such a title, I hear you ask? Well that's a nickname that I've come by over the years. When media opportunities arise, I seem to be at the right place, at the right time so to speak
My first taste of 'fame' was winning a local baby competition.... The prize, a leather bound photo album, which I still have today. The winning photo.....
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Disability = Old and Wheelchair User?
Ok, so this is going to be a bit of a rant post, mainly because of peoples reactions to me parking in a disabled bay...
When it first started happening I put it down to people just being protective of disabled bays and ensuring they weren't being abused... I was quite happy that someone was 'fighting my corner' so to speak.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Are You Man Enough For A MOT?
Mens Health Promotion Morning
Saturday 26th June 10:00am
Castle Mead Medical Centre, Hill Street, Hinckley
Free Parking at Castle Mead Medical Centre
Its All Go Around Here!!
Its been non-stop! I've truly been a busy little bee!
Not only have I enrolled in Open University, I've since had all my materials through so have been reading up on assignments etc and the start date is now upon me *eek!* Got to talk to my tutor for the first time tonight and she sounds lovely so has definitely put me at ease. Starting tutorials next week :)
hilltop radio,
open university,
Monday, 26 April 2010
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step....
As the saying goes, its not the destination that matters, but the journey that you take and my journey over the last 20 years has certainly taken many directions.
mental health,
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Mrs B Shall Go To The Ball!
Its not very often that feel good news stories come to light... The news is often full of lifes negatives...
So imagine my joy today when a simple request on Twitter by entrepreneur, Duncan Bannatyne turned into a true feel good story... one that reminds people that there is still good in the World....
So imagine my joy today when a simple request on Twitter by entrepreneur, Duncan Bannatyne turned into a true feel good story... one that reminds people that there is still good in the World....
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Fashion Faux?
My mornings are a definite routine.... medication to take on an empty tummy, time to kill before I can eat food, then the rest of medication to take after I've eaten. I also like my cups of tea... the day has to start on at least 3 cups. One lot of medication can't be taken with milk so I take that last of all......
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Best Foot Forward?
You may recall one of my previous posts - Give A Girl..... - where I share my journey of seeing a podiatrist....
Well the shoes are off being made as I type but in the meantime I was also referred to a foot surgeon as my big toe is doing its own thing and being a right pain in the ass!
Well the shoes are off being made as I type but in the meantime I was also referred to a foot surgeon as my big toe is doing its own thing and being a right pain in the ass!
Hideaway Heaven!
A little bit of what you fancy does you the world of good...... and thats why a couple of months ago we booked ourselves a break to CenterParcs in Sherwood Forest....
Monday, 8 March 2010
No Longer Invincible
All throughout my childhood, I saw my parents as invincible. In the darkest of storms, the clapping of thunder sending shivers down my spine, I would always feel safe snuggled up with my Mum and Dad.
One of my worst fears as a child was that I didn't want to die... I hated that life was not forever. It was the scariest thing I ever learnt... Strangely though, I never worried about my parents... to me, they were going to be here forever.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Give A Girl The Right Shoes And She Can Conquer The World!
I went for an appointment with a podiatrist on Friday to discuss footwear. Its been about 20yrs since I last wore orthopaedic shoes and I was quite anxious about the whole thing.
NRAS Information Day - 17th February 2010
If you or someone you know has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and live in the Hinckley area of Leicestershire, you may be interested in the following.....
Thursday, 4 February 2010
It's All About The Confidence!
Just before I sat down to write this, I was freezing my ass off in this cold weather! That was soon sorted though with a hot chocolate and a blanket.. I'm now as snug as a bug in a rug and my joints have stopped whinging.
The theme for this post is a fairly simple one.... Its all about the confience and for those of you who are Gok Wan fans, you'll know exactly what I mean.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
An Unwanted Visitor
In the post 'Its Been A While', I mentioned that I became ill shortly after my Italy trip. Well here is where I will finally fill you in on what happened....
So grab a coffee, a comfy seat and I shall begin.....
So grab a coffee, a comfy seat and I shall begin.....
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Bupa London 10,000
Bupa London 10k will be held on the course which is expected to be used for the 2012 Olympic Marathons.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Rest & Rejuvenation
My husband is a commissioning engineer and travels over the World with his job. I would love to travel with him but certainly couldn't justify some of the airfares... However on this occasion, he was driving to this particular job... based in Italy.
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