I am holding an information day at Castle Mead Medical Centre, Hill Street, Hinckley on Wednesday 17th February. I shall be there between 10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm
Here you will be able to find out more information on the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) and the work that we do, as well as being able to have a chat with myself..... someone else who lives with RA...
I will not be able to give you any medical advice because truth be known, I am not a doctor... but I can share some of the experiences and knowledge that I have gained in the 30+ yrs of having RA.
If you can't make it on that day... don't worry because this will the first of many... just watch this space.
For further information on NRAS please visit their website www.nras.org.uk
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