Saturday, 16 January 2010

Bupa London 10,000

Liz and Sophie are taking on the challenge of the London 10k surrounded by the fascinating landmarks of the capital. 

Bupa London 10k will be held on the course which is expected to be used for the 2012 Olympic Marathons. 

During the race they will pass many of London’s famous sights, including Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, The London Eye, Cleopatra’s Needle, Tate Gallery, St Paul’s Cathedral, Nelson’s Column and Admiralty Arch. Buckingham Palace is the backdrop to the start and finish.

The reason for this challenge..... to raise funds for the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic, progressive and disabling auto-immune disease affecting 0.8% of the UK adult population.  It is a systemic disease which means that it can affect the whole body and internal organs (although this is not the case for everyone with RA) such as the lungs, heart and eyes.

It affects approximately 3 times more women than men and onset is generally between 40 - 60 years of age although it can occur at any age. There are around 12,000 children under the age of 16 with the juvenile form of the disease (JRA)

If you would like to sponsor Liz or Sophie then you can do so by visiting their sponsorship page

Thank you for any support you can give....... x

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